Long ago, man used water obtained from wells and springs to quench his thirst and water his animals, especially during his long journeys. Without any formal knowledge, man understood that the clear, tasteless liquid was essential to his health and well being, therefore he began to store water in reservoirs, cisterns and tanks in order to harness this important commodity for use in the dry seasons.

However, this water was not always pure and clean, and many people died from cholera and other diseases as a result of drinking contaminated water. Man, always innovative, looked for a way to improve its quality. Along came filtration and purification methods, rendering the water potable. Many homeowners have now installed their own filtration systems in order to ensure that their drinking water is not only satisfying but tastes well.

Bottled water has also made a huge impact on the way we drink our water. Many brands are to be found on the grocery shelves, and walking around with a bottle of water has become some thing of a status symbol, identifying the person as health conscious or part of the fitness crowd. Today we know that our bodies consist of approximately seventy percent water, and if we don’t get enough of it, we become dehydrated and will eventually die, but there are still many people who do not like to drink water.

They may choose fruit juices, beer, sodas or even coffee over water, but health experts tell us that coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages while containing water can actually dehydrate the body. Coffee and beer drinkers will admit that they make more frequent trips to the bathroom when they consume those liquids. Fruit juices contain lots of sugar and sodas contain sodium which may cause the body to retain water. In addition, drinking these liquids may cause the body to lose the taste for water. We see this a lot in children who will not drink water because they have been brought up on sodas and juices.

Colors and flavors have now been added to bottled water and compete very strongly with the clear liquid. However, these flavored varieties while they may look and taste better, contain calories which may conflict with one of the benefits of water- losing weight. So with the hundreds of varieties of water staring at us how do we make an educated choice as to which is the best water? The answer is one that retains the basic qualities of water, contains no contaminants, is satisfying to the taste while supplying the benefits of water i.e. hydrating the body, regulating body temperature, flushing out waste and toxins and maintaining overall health.


If you still choose flavored water, read the labels carefully. You will be surprised to find that some sports drinks contain almost as many calories as fruit juices. Then if you still think you need some flavor in your water, and a slice of lemon will not do, check out where flavors are sold that can be added to your homemade sparkling or carbonated water to make a very pleasant tasting drink without the calories and other additives.