What is seltzer? There are several companies with the name of Seltzer – one a wholesale distributor of natural products and another a chemical company but that is not what we are looking at in this article.
For the purpose of this article, seltzer is looked at in the terms of water – seltzer water, which is carbonated water or water with CO2 added to the water under pressure. It has bubbles and a fizzy taste. It is used as a mixer for alcoholic drinks, can be mixed with flavors to make soda drinks and can also be used alone as a cool refreshing water with a different taste and “feel” about it.
Seltzer water is water with the carbonation naturally occurring. It is water that comes from the ground usually from what are called artesian wells. This water goes thru layers of minerals containing different forms of carbonates and the water absorbs the carbon dioxide gas contained in the carbonates. Seltzer water has a uniquely different taste because of the added minerals and CO2, so this is an encouragement for people to drink more.
Many recent studies have shown that most people do not drink enough water for keeping the body running in tip top shape. In fact this is the very reason behind the designer water trend that has become the hottest trend currently around the world. There are all types of water available including spring water, mineral waters, and carbonated waters bottled by major and new smaller bottling companies. This has also led to designer water bottles of all shapes, sizes and colors both for adults and children. All of this leading to encouragement of people to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. This billion dollar industry has hit our stores with aisles of waters and other products as well as the internet with thousands of websites selling these products in bulk or by becoming members of water clubs. Plain water has no taste so all of these designer waters have salts and other minerals or ingredients added to make the water taste unique or different.
You can even buy seltzer bottles for producing your own fizzy water at home by adding CO2 canisters that add carbonation to tap water. If you have a large family or your home is the neighborhood watering hole, these devices are cheaper than buying carbonated water. By adding a variety of flavorings, you can produce your own soda water or soda pop for very little and you know what the ingredients are in your homemade soda pop instead of the bottled soda pop that you buy at the store.
Did you know that Sweden has been the leading innovator of flavored carbonated water?
For the last 6 years, with a world market share of 2/3rds and increasing?
More and more people are turning to flavored carbonated water due to its amazing refreshing taste and huge health benefits as it has no added sugar, colors, preservatives, sweeteners, fruit concentrate or calories. Some of the many great fruit flavors that can be purchased include black currant, apple, lemon and blueberry and many more.
And for the first time ever, owners of home carbonating machines have quick and easy access
to a huge variety of 25 Aromhuset flavors which is currently only being offered worldwide by