There may be several contaminants in water that may prove to be harmful to your health. Drinking water should be clean, pure and healthy. There are some components in water like iron which are useful for you. Various manufacturers of filtering and purification systems have introduced innovative systems that are highly beneficial for all. Kenmore, Brita, Pur, GE, Whirlpool, are among the top manufacturers. Pure and clean water that is free from pesticides, chlorine and other pollutants but with necessary nutrients and mineral rich is what you would normally want. There are 8-stage water purifiers and revitalizers like Hexagon system, Kenstar 8 stage water purifiers, etc that can help satisfy this need.
The properties of water that we would prefer and which are beneficial to your health include clean and pure water, mineral rich, energized, alkaline, oxygenated and free from pollutants and harmful matter. Water that does not contain chemicals, heavy metals like lead, copper, mercury, pesticides and VOCs is fit for consumption. These contaminants may lead to harmful effect on your health. Similarly water that is properly ionized and has vital energy necessary for the body cell functions is equally important. Not all minerals are harmful; some of them like iron are in fact beneficial to your body. The filters and purifiers that you use should be able to provide you with such mineral rich water but free from harmful minerals. Alkaline water within the pH range of 7.2 to 7.5 is healthy and the purifier that you get should be able to maintain optimum levels.
The 8 stage water purifier and revitalizers from different manufacturers are designed keeping these factors in mind. The Hexagon 8 stage water purifier is among the most popular purifiers available. The first stage Ceramic filter can filter about 99.99% of contaminants like sediments, rust and bacteria like E-Coli, Cryptosporidium which are more than 1 micron in size. The second stage includes use of ion exchange resins that help adjust amount of calcium and magnesium and soften water. The next stage includes activated granular carbon which adsorbs chlorine and color. This ensures that water is free from chlorine without any bad taste or odor often caused due to excess chlorine present in water.
The next layer in the 8 stage water purifier is mostly mineral stones that mineralize water by infusing ionic minerals and trace element to match the body’s balance of pH 7.2 to 7.5. In the next stage is the Kinetic Degradtion Fluxion (KDF) which is a compound of zinc and copper which can neutralize organic and inorganic mercury, trichloroethylene and trihalomethanes. It also restricts bacterial growth and ensures freshness of water. At this stage the water is totally purified. However in the next stage there are Far Infra-red Ray (FIR) energy beads which break water molecules into smaller clusters that can be used by the body cells easily. In the last stage are magnetic stones to further breakdown water clusters which prove to be extremely useful of your body.
The Hexagon 8 stage water purifier and others that are available are great for your family with a good filtration capacity of about 10000 liters of water. Such 8-stage purifier and revitalizer proves to be a good choice, economical as well as value for money.
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