How to install a hot water dispenser

A hot water dispenser is a necessity today in most kitchens. Where at first they were considered to be a luxury, the ease and convenience they offer make them a “must have” in the kitchen. These hot water dispensers provide us with water (190 degrees F) for instant sauces, soups and drinks like coffee and tea. After you have successfully installed one, you will definitely wonder how you got on without it and before it is too long you will come to depend on this marvel a lot.

It is not difficult to install a hot water dispenser unit. The tank is designed to generally fit underneath your kitchen sink or any other sink. The unit mounts on a bracket that can be screwed on to the wall or the cabinet side. Depending on the tubing that is provided mount the unit within 3 feet of the bottom of the sink. If you are installing the hot water dispenser yourself then make sure you have the right tools and equipment like drill and drill bits, screwdriver, gloves, safety goggles, adjustable wrench etc. The hot water dispenser should have all the installation materials like the drywall anchors, saddle valve or T-fitting shutoff, etc included with the kit.

Most hot water dispensers usually fit/plug into a 120 volt GFCI or a 115 wall outlet that is continuously live. Make sure you follow the instructions of the manufacturer diligently. If you are not confident of the electrical or plumbing connections then it is advisable to consult or hire a licensed electrician or plumber.

An opening that is available on the sink is needed for installing the hot water dispenser. There are some sinks that have holes that are unused and capped. In case your sink does not have that spare hole then you could use your spray hose as an alternative. Replace your sprayer with a spray-faucet. You could also drill a hole in a stainless steel sink. If your sink is a cast iron one then you could install a spray faucet that is deck mounted, which will keep one hole free.

It is important to read a lot of consumer reviews so as to get a quality product that suits you perfectly and avoids embarrassment or even injury. Read all the instructions carefully before assembling. Different hot water dispensers have a variety of functions and you should know about them all. Water dispensers are no doubt a very welcome addition to your home or office. They sure make life easier and double your fridge space.

A hot water dispenser gives you hot water on demand and this convenience is great. You can have soup, tea and instant coffee whenever you want it. There are table top hot and cold water dispensers, in sink hot water dispensers and free standing ones. It is no surprise that people are finding these hot water dispensers a great way to give productivity a boost in the kitchen, office or even the bathroom.