Setlzer Water For Digestive Comfort

Selecting seltzer water over sugary sodas is an effective way to lower sugar intake, helping maintain a healthier weight and decrease risk factors such as heart disease and diabetes. Plus, its bubbles may create the feeling of fullness that suppresses appetite – something which could prove particularly helpful for individuals recovering from food addictions or eating disorders. However, excessive quantities can overhydrate your body leading to dehydration which in turn could decrease hunger levels and appetite.

Many people report that carbonated water can help soothe digestive distress, such as bloating, stomach pain and irregular bowel movements. A study published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology demonstrated this by showing how fizzy beverages could actually decrease distress by slowing down stomach emptying time.

Carbonated water causes food glycerol content to expand, which then makes the stomach feel fuller and more satisfied. Burping may also help relieve trapped air that contributes to bloating or gas. But keep in mind that these effects won’t last – use as temporary relief only!

Studies have also revealed that regular consumption of carbonated beverages with meals, particularly carbonated sodas, can alter the normal acid-base balance in the stomach and disrupt gastric emptying, altering intragastric distribution and leading to symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion.

Carbonated beverages contain sodium and artificial sweeteners that may impact overall hydration. Opting for seltzer water that’s low in sodium and free from artificial sweeteners would provide greater hydration benefits as well as improving digestion and promoting long-term gut health.

Sips slowly will help maximize the digestive benefits of sparkling water, thanks to bicarbonate’s neutralizing of gastric acidity, relieving symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. For added benefits, carbonated drinks with cucumber or fennel seeds added can provide additional digestive support; cucumbers offer high fiber levels for improved hydration while fennel can act as an aid against bloating and abdominal cramps.

Beveraging properly throughout the day is essential to maintaining optimal digestive health. While carbonated drinks such as soda water may provide some relief, plain water may provide better bowel movement and help avoid constipation altogether. To find out more on how you can improve your digestion through diet alone, book an appointment with UPMC Outpatient Nutrition Services dieticians today!