Soda and water

Home remedies are easy and inexpensive. You need to just look into your kitchen to find simple cures for quiet a few ailments. Among the most commonly used things are baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda is not just a leavening agent. It has medicinal and cleaning uses that are highly effective and do not burn a whole in your pockets. A mixture of soda and water can be used for cleaning kitchens, deodorizing and even for a cleaner feel to your laundry.

Baking soda is mostly present in natural forms. Packet that you get from the supermarkets is mostly made from sodium carbonate or soda ash. The best thing is that soda is non toxic. You can add it to water when you soak the dried beans to make them easily digestible.

You can add soda and water for cleaning vegetables and fruits. It is safe for use for various purposes even for babies. Similarly, the mixture can be used to clean baby bottles.

Baking soda added to hot water is very good for cleaning containers. It helps remove the stale smell of containers. A paste of soda and water used for your silverware will make them clean and sparkling. Even on pots with dried out bottom, sprinkle some soda and add hot water. Leave it overnight. The food comes loose easily when you clean it the next morning. Similarly, for burnt food use soda and water to get it easily cleaned.

It is a daunting task to remove stubborn stains from marbles, formica and plastic surfaces. Remove the stains with warm water and soda solution. When you clean your lawn furniture a quart of water and one fourth cup of soda makes it easy to clean. Remove mildew and clean children’s pool with soda and warm water regularly. Soda helps stabilize pH level of water. Detergents can work effectively and you are sure to get clean laundry.

Baking soda can be a part of your first aid. Due to its alkaline property you can use it as an acid neutralizer. A nice warm bath with soda added to it can be very soothing when you experience discomfort due to sunburn. Similarly a paste of soda and water can ease the pain from a bee sting. Likewise, it also provides relief from itch due to poison ivy. Add about one half teaspoon of soda to 4 ounces of water to make a good antacid. Soda and warm water with lemon juice is also effective against acid reflux, indigestion and gas problems.

You can have a detox bath using soda in your bath water. Epsom salt and baking soda added to bath water helps rejuvenate your skin. It is an excellent recipe to ensure a healthy skin. You need not waste hundreds of dollars on expensive beauty treatments. Even when you bathe babies, adding a little amount of soda to their bath water helps reduce diaper rash irritation.

Soda and water are immensely useful and easy home remedies. Using it in right proportions with proper advice from doctors can ensure you are healthy and free from little ailments that keep nagging you throughout the year.