Sparkling water may seem like an innocuous, boring choice to hydrate with, but this beverage packs quite the health punch. Not only does it promote hydration and help curb appetite, it is also an ideal healthy alternative to sugary sodas and acidic drinks – its refreshing effervescent taste makes it popular choice among those seeking refreshment that supports better diet habits and overall wellness.
Though any carbonated beverage can provide a delightful and enjoyable taste experience, it is essential to read labels for added sugar, sodium or artificial sweeteners as these could compromise health and weight loss goals, cause digestive distress or allergies or cause tooth decay.
When selecting a sparkling beverage, opt for varieties labeled as “sparkling water” or “club soda.” These options tend to contain less sodium than their counterparts while offering the same fizz as seltzer and are perfect for those who prefer an all-natural experience.
Sparkling water can help both young and older adults to better swallow, which may help lower the risk of choking. Furthermore, it can curb appetites by replacing high-calorie sugary drinks – which often lead to sugar crashes as well as long-term dental and diet health issues – with non-caloric beverages like sparkling water. Furthermore, sparkling water may improve digestion by soothing stomach pain while simultaneously decreasing gas and bloat symptoms associated with constipation.
A study published in Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism showed that magnesium-rich mineral water helps relieve indigestion by neutralizing stomach acids. Furthermore, calcium plays an integral part in maintaining strong bones as well as fluid balance, muscle function and nerve transmission (Mount Sinai).
According to a randomized controlled study, participants who consumed 8 ounces of sparkling water reported feeling more full than those drinking still water, likely as the bubbles filling your stomach more quickly and helping you feel satisfied faster than drinking plain water alone.
Sparkling water offers many advantages over plain water, including being more intriguing to consume and helping combat taste fatigue by adding fruit juice or spices for additional appeal and increased hydration levels. Sparkling water also improves daily consumption rates for those struggling to consume enough plain water daily.
If sparkling water isn’t your cup of tea, why not incorporate it into a smoothie to give it a light and bubbly texture? Doing this will enhance the flavors in your drink while creating a lighter and frothier consistency than simply blending plain water would allow. Likewise, sparkling water works great to add an extra splash of flavor in homemade lemonades or fruit-based juices as a refreshing beverage option.
Though sparkling water offers numerous health advantages, it should still be consumed in moderation to protect gastrointestinal health and promote dental wellness. Dietitians suggest sipping on both still and sparkling water throughout the day; for optimal results consult a dietitian, healthcare practitioner or dentist for recommendations regarding specific dosage.